
My songwriting is fluid and in-the-moment most of the time. I regularly turn on voice memos, sit at the piano, and sing my feelings/thoughts of the day. One of those reflected how deeply I feel conflict and hate in this world. I am a practicer of constant self-evaluation in relation to my personal care, friend/family space, and then the world as a whole. I see the desperation and poverty right next to the dazzling towers and entities of wealth with constant dissonance. I want the world to be balanced, full of light, love, and gratitude, but this isn't about to be miss america peace speech, so I digress. So much like water itself, this song involves self, community, and global reflection. Here are the lyrics and a voice memo I have so far of this song - it's a bit long, but enjoy (the produced version is in the works) 

Much love <3 Ruth


- W A T E R - 

We’re only in survival mode till we find the water 

We only feel our hearts break when we love each other 

When all this is said and done how will we find another 

With all this toxic fear and hate when we’re just like each other 


And how can we love if we can’t hold each other 

How can we learn if we don’t listen 

What is there to say if we don’t care anymore 

What is there to do if we’ve already given up 


We’re only in survival mode until we find the water 

When all of this is said and we just want a lover 

We only have ourselves to blame 

If we can’t find each other 

We’re only in survival mode till we find the water 

We all need water 

And we all need the water 


And how can we love if we can’t hold each other  

How can we learn if we don’t listen  

What is there to say if we don’t care anymore  

What is there to do if we’ve already given up